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Push Callback API v1.0.0

API for receiving push message delivery notifications.

General information

The manual is intended for partner companies of Bescontact LLC that provide loyalty cards issuance in the Koshelek mobile application using the Koshelek platform.

Push Callback API enables Koshelek platform to notify partner on push message delivery status updates.

Interaction model

The API uses the RESTful model (all the data is transferred as JSON objects). The feature of this model is that a partner and Koshelek use two interfaces for the interaction:

  • Push API — used by the partner to send push messages.
  • Callback API — used by Koshelek to transmit information on push messages delivery and reading by recipient to the partner.

Partner and Koshelek interaction model

API service is partner hosted

The Push Callback API is provided by the partner host in accordance with current documentation.

Thus the partner must provide a “callback” base URL that will be used by the Koshelek host to send push messages status updates.


The HTTPS protocol is used. HTTP Basic Authentication (RFC 7617) mechanism should be used for API requests authorization. Credentials for authorization are transferred in the Authorization HTTP header.


Both API requests and responses should use the UTF-8 encoding.

HTTP codes

If the request is successfully processed, the partner host returns an HTTP response containing the status code 200, and the body with a payload described in the request documentation.