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Pay API v1.1.0

In-store payments with Koshelek Pay API.

General information

This guide is intended for retail and service outlet companies (Merchants) that contemplate to enable in-store payments with service “Koshelek Pay”.

Pay API versions

  • Pay API updates can be tracked here: Changelog.
  • New merchants integrate to the most current Pay API version.
  • Payment providers “SBP” and “Dolyame” are available from Pay API 0.9.0.

Updates: Pay API v1.0.0 → v1.1.0

Refund payment

  • Request body: added parameter currency.

Object item

  • Added parameters measure, currency.
  • Parameter quantity: added usage examples.

Object slip

  • Added parameter currency.
  • Parameter operationId: updated description (parameter value is assigned by payment provider upon return).

Object checkoutInvoice

  • Added parameter currency.

Object invoice

  • Added parameter currency.

Connecting to API

Koshelek Pay API is provided by a dedicated Koshelek host. API consumers are merchant’s cash desk software and data center hosts. To integrate with Koshelek Pay API, use the following parameters:

Parameter Description
Login Login for API request authentication (HTTP Basic Authentication) is used.
Password Password for API request authentication.
API Base URL (test) https://api-test.koshelek.app/
API Base URL (production) https://api.koshelek.app/

Note that API Base URL is partner specific — that is, for partner with name name, API Base URL will be as follows:

  • API Base URL (test): https://api-test.koshelek.app/name
  • API Base URL (production): https://api.koshelek.app/name


When implementing a service that interacts with Pay API, partner must ensure these parameters to be configurable (either through a dedicated configuration file or otherwise):

  • Login
  • Password
  • API Base URL (test, production)
  • Stores:storeId (see parameter description below)
  • Terminals:terminalId (see parameter description below

API credentials and identifiers

The following table defines merchant identifiers involved in data exchange via Koshelek Pay API. Parameters specified in color are applicable to payments via Faster Payments System (“FPS”, most commonly known as “SBP” in Russia):

Parameter Context Description
brandName General Merchant brand name.
legalName General Merchant legal name.
Stores:storeId General Full list of merchant’s stores (service points) including their addresses. For each store, the storeId is given by Koshelek. This ID must be sent in each API request.
postbackUrl General if cash desk has online host URL used by the cash desk for accepting transaction status updates from the Koshelek Pay server.
partnerLogin General if cash desk has online host Login to authenticate requests to postbackUrl (HTTP Basic Authentication).
partnerPassword General if cash desk has online host Password to authenticate requests to postbackUrl (HTTP Basic Authentication).
Terminals:terminalId General List of merchant’s payment terminal IDs. Every terminalId is assigned by the merchant per every terminal. This value is sent in each API request (the full list of IDs is not required before integration). Terminal IDs must be unique within one storeId (store or service point).
legalId SBP Merchant legal name ID for SBP. Issued by the recipient bank upon merchant onboarding to SBP. The merchant must present this parameter to Koshelek team prior to API integration.
merchantId SBP Merchant identifier for SPB. Merchant receives this ID from merchant’s acquiring bank involved in FPS transactions (Recipient bank). Mind strict one-to-one mapping between storeId and merchantId. The merchant must present this parameter to the Koshelek team prior to API integration.
account SBP Merchant’s legal name account number for the recipient bank. The merchant must present this parameter to the Koshelek team prior to API integration.
memberId SBP Merchant’s partner bank identifier for SBP. The merchant must present this parameter to the Koshelek team prior to API integration.
paymentPurpose SBP “Payment purpose” value applicable to transactions made from the linked account. The value can be agreed between the merchant and Koshelek only once, or can be passed in every POST .../merchant/checkout request.
subscriptionPurpose SBP “Account subscription purpose” value agreed between the merchant and the Koshelek team prior to API integration.


The HTTPS protocol is used. HTTP Basic Authentication (RFC 7617) mechanism should be used for API requests authorization. Credentials for authorization are transferred in the Authorization HTTP header.


Minimum TLS version: 1.2.


Both API requests and responses should use the UTF-8 encoding.

Message format and structure

API requests expect content type in header: Content-Type: application/json and return response body in application/json.

HTTP codes

🟢 HTTP: 200

Successful API response will return data as described in API specification, along with HTTP response code 200.

Field errorCode

In particular transaction scenarios, the HTTP 200 response code may come along with the error message. If so, the error message is communicated in the errorCode field of the response body. AvailableerrorCode values are described below.

1. Payment transactions:
errorCode Description
NOT_ENOUGH_LIMIT_TO_PAY Transaction limit has exceeded.
TOTAL_AMOUNT_IS_TOO_SMALL Transaction amount is below the limit (equals 4 rubles).
EXTERNAL_PROVIDER_ERROR General error code for payment provider.
SUBSCRIPTION_IS_NOT_FOUND No subscribed account found (applicable to SBP payments from subscribed account).
PAYMENT_DECLINED_BY_EXTERNAL_PROVIDER Payment declined by bank (applicable to SBP transactions from subscribed account).
2. Refund transactions:
errorCode Description
PAYMENT_TRANSACTION_IS_NOT_PAID Refund rejected due to transaction with this transactionId is not completed (and amounts were not written off).
TERMINAL_STATE_OF_PAYMENT_TRANSACTION Refund rejected due to either of the following reasons:
  • Transaction was canceled before (debiting was not performed).
  • Transaction was rejected earlier by payment provider (debiting was not performed).
  • Full refund has already been performed.
PAYMENT_TRANSACTION_IS_BEING_REFUNDED_ALREADY Refund rejected due to there is an ongoing refund already. Wait until a previous refund transaction with refTransactionId is completed.
REQUESTED_REFUND_AMOUNT_IS_GREATER_THAN_AVAILABLE Refund rejected due to requested refund amount exceeds one declared in payment transaction with this transactionId.
EXTERNAL_PROVIDER_ERROR General error code for payment provider.
UNEXPECTED_REFUND_AMOUNT_LEFT_FROM_EXTERNAL_PROVIDER Refund rejected due to payment transaction with this transactionId was not completed and debiting was not performed.
PAYMENT_ORDER_IS_NOT_FOUND No bank transfer order found in merchant’s bank upon refund (applicable to SBP transactions).

🔴 HTTP: 422

Indicates API request processing error. The response contains JSON object with error description. In particular, this object contains a string message describing reason for occurred error in Russian.

Error description object structure:

Field Type Description
code String Error code (see below).
details String Error description (optional).

Error codes

Code Description
UNKNOWN_SESSION_ID cardSession not found or invalid.
UNKNOWN_TRANSACTION_ID transactionId not found.
UNKNOWN_PARTNER_ID merchant not found.
WRONG_TRANSACTION_STATE_CHANGE Requested transaction status transit is not possible.
PAYMENT_TRANSACTION_IS_NOT_PAID There is no fulfilled payment for this payment transaction.
CANCEL_REFUNDING_BY_BANK Refund was canceled by bank.
TRANSACTION_FOR_SESSION_ID_ALREADY_EXISTS Transaction for this session already exists.
TRANSACTION_IN_PROCESSING Transaction in progress.